Manya Education

Turn Study Abroad Dreams into Reality with Manya Education! Your International Education Hub. As a leading provider of end-to-end study abroad services, we offer a one-stop solution for ambitious students and professionals. Whether you’re a student or professional seeking global opportunities, we’re your trusted partner. Follow for expert advice, success stories, and unlock your journey to success! 🌏🔑

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3 hours ago

Writing an essay for a timed test, such as the GRE Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), proves more daunting than for a college assignment. Particularly for non-native English speakers, the AWA score can heavily influence graduate program admissions, reflecting their written English proficiency.

2 days ago

What's the duration of the GRE? The GRE lasts for one hour and fifty-eight minutes. That is, in fact, a very lengthy period! What number of sections are there? How long does each section last? Let's examine this.

3 days ago

MANYA-The Princeton Review has extensively studied the GRE Quantitative Reasoning syllabus. Elite universities, especially for STEM fields, often require a strong GRE score, with 165 or higher in Quant being a significant advantage. The GRE, or Graduate Record Examination, is a standardized test used by schools in the US, Canada, and parts of Europe to screen applicants. Owned and operated by Educational Testing Services (ETS), a high quant score is crucial for admission to top programs.

6 days ago

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) is responsible for administering the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Many nations, including the US, UK, Canada, Europe, Singapore, and Australia, accept the GRE score. Graduates, aspirants to law schools, and business schools take the test.

7 days ago

The ACT exam measures a student's readiness for higher education at prestigious universities. Administered by the nonprofit organization ACT, understanding the format and pattern of the ACT helps students approach the test with confidence. In this blog, we'll explore the ACT exam's format, schedule, and content, providing essential details to ensure students are well-prepared for the test.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

If you're planning to move or study in Germany, knowing the cost of living is essential. Understanding the average monthly expenses for rent, utilities, food, transportation, and health insurance is key. The good news is that Germany offers a relatively low cost of living compared to its high standard of living. This makes it an attractive destination for quality life at an affordable price. Proper planning ensures you're financially prepared for this exciting move.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

One of the most important aspects of GRE test preparation is taking full-length mock tests. A series of GRE mock tests can help you better prepare for the real GRE by simulating test day.

Monday Jun 17, 2024

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a postgraduate program with specializations in accounting, business economics, human resource management, and leadership. In contrast, the Masters in Management (MIM) program is a one- to two-year course that includes graduate-level business management coursework. The MIM program covers a broad spectrum of management disciplines, including finance, marketing, consulting, and entrepreneurship, in great depth.

Friday Jun 14, 2024

The GRE Quantitative Reasoning exam evaluates your knowledge of geometry, algebra, basic arithmetic, and data analysis. Everything you need to know about this section of the GRE is available on this page, including information on topics covered, number of questions, and study strategies.

Thursday Jun 13, 2024

Exams for Advanced Placement, or AP, are a crucial part of a student's study abroad experience. Pupils who are prepared to work extra hard and handle college-level coursework in order to get advanced college credits from US universities while still in high school. To do well on these tests, students need to prepare in advance. However, smart effort is just as important as hard work. 


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